Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is on its way...

and so I felt the urge to start packing away some of the bulky winter clothes (sweaters with snowflakes, really thick turtlenecks, rolling-around-in-the-snow pants) Thought it was probably a good time to do a little Spring Cleaning while I was at it. Picked out about 12 things that I don't wear/have never worn/are way way too old (like 10th grade)/things I would still wear except that I know deep down in my heart are out of style. Many are from stores that I have literally not shopped in for years. Perhaps that should have been a clue to me. A few of the highlights: White cargo capris from American Eagle, red terry cloth zip up hoodie from Abercrombie (seriously), tube top sun dress (I don't actually look that good in strapless stuff), very short jean shorts, a knee-length jean skirt with a slit in the front, and several tops that no, I don't think I actually will wear them "some day." If you have seen me in the past 5 years, you have most definitely seen me in at least 1 of these items. It's hard, but I feel like I'm making progress. lol. It also stupidly makes me think that now I have cleared room to buy replacements. Oh, if only.... Although with the bright sun today I was reminded that I am still on a quest for the perfect sunglasses, albeit ones that won't break the bank.

And Allison. Your comment was duly noted. In my defense, I would update more often except that nothing truly worth detailing happens that often. and seriously, how often can I possibly vent about schoolwork? Its cathartic for me to write but I'm sure very very boring to read. so I spare you, my dear readers. However, I will try to remember more odd little things that happen. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I was sitting in the library near these big plate glass windows and I was reading but also people watching as folks walked by. And I see this squirrel with a full size doughnut run by. I laugh, look around to see if anyone else saw it, nothing. I go back to reading. Look up a few minutes later and I see a squirrel with a big sugar cookie. He tries to dig a hole but its not working after a few tries and so runs up a nearby tree. He leaves the cookie in the forked branch and scurries down and away from the tree! I, apparently, was the only one watching this whole thing take place. When I left the library a considerable time later, the cookie was still there. Hanging out 8 feet off the ground.

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