Thursday, March 11, 2010

lamest Spring Break ever

but it has also sort of, oddly, been a little relaxing (despite the paper-writing mania). I've started running again. It has done wonders for my unrestful sleep issues and I actually like that sore-but-in-a-good way feeling. Maybe this is the start of my finally starting to train for a marathon. I always said I wanted to do one before 25, so I better get going.

We are supposed to get massive amounts of rain this weekend, or rather, starting any time now tonight. ugh. Just when I was totally into the sunny and warm thing. What a tease.

My mom sent me a package today of : Girl Scout Samoas, Nerds, and Sweetheart Chicks, Ducks, and Bunnies for Easter. My little sugar-overloaded heart swooned. I could go on at length on the virtues of all of them. Mmmm....

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