Wednesday, June 30, 2010

so, my life these days basically revolves around Outlook and I found myself wondering (at home. what should be the last place I think about work-related stuff) hey, I should send the girls phone date meeting requests and then we can schedule it and have it on the calendar. Oh my god. But, seriously, I sort of wish I could do that instead of playing phone tag. Although, something tells me Gmail probably has a function for that. I'm sure it exists, actually.

Anyways, I feel seriously behind on keeping up with everyone. that and apartment cleaning. and grocery shopping. Things are sort of in shambles at the moment. BUT. I have turned in what I am hoping is my second-to-last thesis draft. I have a defense meeting in exactly TWO weeks. I will be done officially with all academic responsibilities in THREE weeks. !!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

So tired, so many things to do. But its the First Day of Summer (finally, an explanation for this HOT weather) & such a thing as Starbucks ice cream exists, so I'll celebrate that.

Also, check out Nikki Yanofsky if you haven't already heard her sing. Awesome. YouTube has become my go-to for songs when I don't want to spring for them on iTunes....

Late work day tomorrow because Jonathan Alter is coming by to talk about his new book, The Promise: President Obama, Year One. Its been on the bestseller list (just slipped out of the Top 10 this week), and I think we're going to have a packed house. Hope its good!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It is almost Friday--> almost the weekend--> two whole glorious days of sunshine and freedom

Current likes:
  • The new ABC Family show, Pretty Little Liars. At this point, I feel like my protestations about the terrible tv I watch are utterly pointless. So, I'll just point out that I plan on watching it. And that I wish I had dressed that well & had amazing, shiny, shampoo-commercial worthy hair when I was high school. le sigh
  • Whole Foods tequila lime salsa. A-mazing.
  • Vision in White by Nora Roberts. First book I have ever read by her. And only read it at home because I was too ashamed to be seen with it on the subway. even though its summer and I feel therefore that its totally justified. bah. Its the first book of a Bride quartet. 4 best friends who run a wedding company. It is exactly what you think it is. Utterly predictable and fabulous. I just put the second one on hold at the library....
  • The Taylor Swift youtube channel. Its been years since I've seen any music videos. Sort of weird doing it reverse when I know her songs so well. Oh, and this is so fitting. The ad that popped up between videos was for Secret Life of the American Teenager. Basically the evil computer tracking cookies have determined my demographic as teenage girl. awesome. lol
Plans for the weekend-- catching up on house stuff, working on my thesis (due in a month-ish), and finally going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Monday, June 14, 2010

various and sundry

--Things I have noticed while running in the last week:
  • Even when I come home dead tired, as soon as I hit the pavement with my running shoes (so sadly sadly in need of replacement) my body takes over and I find hidden reservoirs of energy. Its pretty cool.
  • 9 out of 10 runners (myself included) have this overheated, pained expression. The other 10% are superhuman freaks sprinting down the block, headphones in, looking as if they haven't broken a sweat. I always console myself with the thought that they either just started or this was their block to "look good" and in a moment they will be stopping to jog like the rest of us.
  • I like to smile or nod my hat at passing runners. It is rare if I get a return anything. very odd. Aren't we a fraternity of runners? Just a friendly greeting, wouldn't kill anybody.
--Despite initial ambivalence, the new pretzel M&Ms are quite tasty.

--I may have (read: did) bought farmyard animal pancake molds at Williams-Sonoma. They are adorable. and the salesperson told me that my "children are going to love them!" I think I was more bothered that I looked even remotely old enough to have kids. It was actually a jolting thought. For the record, I did in fact say no, they were for myself.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday in Manayunk

Got up early today and headed out to Manayunk (and my friend, Annie's) to see a bike race. I wasn't really too sure the details, so I found an article that explains it pretty well:
To some it's known as the Manayunk Bike Race, to others it's the day of the TD Bank Philadelphia International Cycling Championship, but to cyclists it's known as "The Wall." At 9 a.m. Sunday morning, more than 150 cyclists will start on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and pedal their way along the 156-mile course. The course consists of 10 laps of a 14.4-mile circuit traveling west on the Parkway along Kelly Drive to Manayunk, where the course is nicknamed "The Wall" because of its incredibly steep incline.
She lives pretty close to this Wall, and let me tell you, walking the block and half from the train station to her place requires some serious effort, it is basically vertical. So, got to see the cyclists go by twice then we lost track of the laps and retreated to the indoors. It was insaneeeeely hot today. Like a good girl, I put on sunblock and then preceded to sweat it right off. So gross. but I made Kahlua pudding, which was delish and a hit. I mean, you just can't go to a party and not bring something and I figured it kept in line with the drinking theme of the day.

Met lots of new people, played Kings (oyy) and have been back home now watching tv shows online and sobering. lol. Scratch those plans to go for a run and get some MA reading done. meh. Amazing to finally get to be outside and enjoying the sunny weather and its not even technically summer yet! Now that I'm cooped up inside all day at work, I really appreciate when I can be outdoors. Got to start thinking seriously about making plans to kayak or get to the shore or something.