Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finally got a long overdue haircut. I love when its blow-dried by a stylist, it does all the flippy, bouncy look of a real hairstyle that I cannot accomplish on my own. Its always sad to wash it and know that it wont look this good until my next cut. lol

Watched Vicky Christina Barcelona the other day. It was good, different; I suppose it was totally what I would expect of Woody Allen. Not sure that the ending was what I expected but it certainly fit for the style of the movie. Mostly though it made me want to go back to Spain. Maybe movies just glamorize how laidback and fun life is there but it sure does seem like things are just enjoyed more, life is taken a bit easier. Under the Tuscan Sun is another example of an idyllic foreign residence.

Graduation mania starting to overtake the House. Just helped Pancho with his announcements, the boys are getting all geared up for Senior Week. It's extremely interesting to find out what people are heading off to do now. I think now is when friends and acquaintances will be more far flung across the country, more so than going off to college. This semester has gone by both fast and slow. Hard to believe that I've had this much time off when it still feels like there are lots of things I still want to do around here. Guess thats what the summer is for.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April showers...

It has been raining all day, since I woke up. I really like it when its raining and I can sleep in. Its nice to hear it outside, and the room feels more cozy and just makes me want to snuggle under the covers. That said, I was enjoying the lovely spring weather from Saturday, all sunny and mid 70s, so anytime that comes back would be lovely.

Had a great weekend. Friday afternoon was gorgeous out. Sat on the Beach with the usual group. Never thought I would sit outside in 65 degree weather and think it totally fine to be in short sleeves and it be pleasant. Used to be sweater weather for me. Lots of kids were out, they were all proud of the rare occasion when Hopkins looks like any other college campus. People actually looking like they are having fun. Not too much school spirit around here for the most part. Sort of sad, but makes it all so much more appreciate UF. Then, Pancho and I went on this dinner cruise around the Inner Harbor on Friday night with grad students from the BME department. Typical Hopkins slightly socially awkward crowd, but there were drinks included and the harbor at night was really pretty. I got pictures of the big paddle wheels on the boat. When I saw it, I immediately thought Tom Sawyer, Mississippi River, big white paddle boat.

This was Homecoming Weekend so lots of alumni in town. Saturday was also gorgeous out so Pancho and I threw a little tailgate. Burgers, hot dogs, frozen margaritas out on the front porch. Was perfect. So glad to be able to host a little something. Then went to the lax game against Navy. They won, I was more concerned with being super thirsty from the margaritas :) Walked around and got ice cream, sat on the Beach again. A very casual, summer-like day. Makes me think how awesome this summer IS going to be.

Got my official offer from the Supreme Court. I start in 5 weeks. Making more money than I thought AND they are subsidizing my monthly pass on the train to commute! Yay. More money for those work clothes I need to get! I think its going to be a lot of fun. Have to learn all about the Court now, and the architecture of the building. My boss seems awesome though from her emails so I'm happy about that. Lots of good stuff to look forward to.

Making Chicken Fajita Crescent Braid tonight, recipe sounds yummy, and so excited for a new Gossip Girl!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I have been absolutely loving the Spring weather. Its still pretty cool out, but its sunny (most of the time at least), and I can actually open the windows or sit outside and read. The Beach really is a nice spot to relax and overhear some Hopkins gossip. inevitable.

Looking forward to Easter. Its not one of my top holidays but I still like decorating for it (duh!). Not too keen on any of the candy, either. Don't like Peeps, jelly beans, Cadbury eggs. Just SweetTarts Chicks, Ducks, and Bunnies. So I've been planning for awhile for this weekend. Got Pancho's basket all set to go, ready to dye eggs, baking some Pillsbury Easter Chick sugar cookies, and cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning. So excited!

However, the schedule might change a little bit because I think I'm going up to New York. My grandmother is pretty sick and my mom is there now, and since its only a 5 hour drive for me, it makes sense that I should be there. And then on the drive back, I'm arranging a visit to Penn. Still working out meetings with professors and stuff. Really want to get a feel for the campus and the area, see if I can visualize myself there. Maybe spot the cafe I will take up residence in, with my mountain of books and articles to read and a pressing need to have direct access to caffeine and baked goods. lol. So, things are certainly happening, or rather, things are about to be happening.

Kaplan job not really for me, as it turns out. I realized that I shouldnt be doing things that I dont enjoy. Life's too short. Probably should really enjoy these last few weeks I have off before the summer starts. Therefore, Pancho and I are going to an Orioles baseball game tonight. He is so excited about the start of the new season. (Naturally, I'm excited about all of the game park food. Hot dogs and funnel cakes? Heck yes.)

Oh, so I'm not feeling well. Picked up another little cold, and I really wanted Matzo ball soup last night. We finally find that Whole Foods has it for Passover. Make the 15 minute drive over there, and they dont have it until today! Actually very disappointing. I dont like when I cant satisfy my inner Jew. We went to Pei Wei instead. lol