Friday, January 8, 2010

free time

Back in Philly and school hasn't started again. Hooray. Although I feel I'm sort of wasting time, but thats the point of vacation, right? I did get over to Williams Sonoma today, however. I was on a mission, though, which is a good thing because that place is like kryptonite. I want almost every single item there. Ostensibly, I needed to get a baking spray for my new cookie-shaped cake pans so the cake actually comes out, but I totally got sidetracked by the over abundance of amazing cooking stuff. I think I want to be an adult and have a job so that I can outfit a kitchen with fancy and completely unnecessary but wonderful things. But I did good, got out--just barely--with the most intense looking can of professional baking spray you've ever seen. Its not kidding around. Very excited to try it out next week when I make the cake again for my visit to Pancho. I'm sitting here writing about this and like actually longing to be back at the store. sigh. Damn you grad school and your complete command over my finances.

It snowed last night. Just an inch, but it was so nice waking up to see everything covered in white. The first time I've actually been in town when it snowed. I like it.

I bought a set of 10-lb free weights this week in hopes of getting toned again. They're like really heavy though. I get fatigued pretty quick. sad. I miss SW Rec so so much. Spinning class, all those machines. Can't wait to join a gym again but going to have to wait. I should probably also figure something out about the floor so I can do crunches and all that stuff because the hardwood right now is not inviting. at all. Eh. Taking a laissez-faire approach to exercising but maybe the weights will inspire me.

Brian Williams on Leno tonight. Gonna try to catch that! Feeling like I didn't get enough Nightly over the holidays.


  1. 1. I love williams sonoma too.
    2. I have no idea what ostensibly means...
    3. i want a pair of free weights because i am in love with working out.
    4. snow! it was 29 degrees this morning, felt like 16, on the way to work. it has not gotten above freezing all day. it's 1 am. and yet, no snow. \
    5. thanks for the hair compliment! I actually just got it cut (not too much, but i had a lot of dead ends.) in a month it'll be just the same. and I dk what happened, but it all of a sudden got kinda big/wavyish. who knows. you know i don't do a single thing to it...sometimes i brush it..
    6. missss youuuuuuuuuuuu

  2. I too love william sonoma.It snowed here a bit last night and it made me smile. idk if ali will ever read this comment, but trust me, I know how you feel about no snow. It is so fucking cold here (It will probably not get warmer than 32 degrees for all of January) but it almost never snows. Maybe once every 7 to 10 days. if that.

  3. I got a pair of 10 lb free weights last semester, and they're awesome! Whenever I don't feel like going to the gym, I can do a little workout at home. Maybe a yoga mat would help with the hard floor?
