Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How is it September already?

Honestly. Where did August go? The weather this week has been cool, and I'm worried about how much longer I can wear summer stuff. Having had to wear business-y work clothes for the bulk of the last 3 months, I feel like I haven't had the chance yet to wear all my cute warm-weather gear. It's making me so aware of the whole seasons thing. Those new style sandals I never got around to buying? Well, missed the train on that so now I'm debating if I need a new pair of flats or if I should jump ahead to boots? Stood in the Target shoe dept for about 20 minutes today, having an honest internal crisis:

I got to thinking about when it actually gets cold and whether flats are going to cut it. I sort of wore them here in Baltimore in Jan/Feb but they don't cover your feet and forget it if is wet or snows. So I got the rain boots which are fantastic for those conditions. But Philly is going to be colder, and I can't wear wellies all the time (like when I go out or just everyday errands) so what do I do? I found flat boots at Target, but they were just a little below the knee and I got to thinking whether I could wear them with all of my jeans because they don't all tuck in well and then I saw ankle boots. And here is my dilemma- On principle I don't like ankle boots because I think they are a bit silly but they are starting to make more sense. They cover your foot more than flats do but they aren't as high/restrictive as a taller boot. Anyways, I stood there debating over and over and had to really pull myself out of there to avoid an impulse purchase when I wasn't totally gung ho on either. I suppose I can wait until it is actually cold out and then see what everyone else does. I bet that would be a good idea. However, I welcome comments about the taller boot/ankle boot debate.

Why does fashion in the NE get me so anxious? This post is reminiscent of the leggings and tights worrying from a few months ago which resulted in my not actually buying any at all. oy.

1 comment:

  1. hehe you sound like me trying to make a decision with shoes. have you ever been shoe shopping with me before? if you haven't, you probably never should.

    I think the taller boots would keep your legs warmer since it's an extra layer (practicality). And for the jeans that don't tuck in nicely, you could wear them on top. And I'm a fan of the brown. But I do see the up sides of the ankle boot. And they aren't as silly as I had originally thought. Hmm...I do see your dilemma.

    Ok answer time: If you're not 100% on either, then wait. Target's target. They usually have things for a while. And if these stop showing up on the shelves when you're ready to buy, chances are something similar will take their place. Besides, you don't need them now do you? Hope I helped! <3
