Monday, September 21, 2009

Grad school is kicking my butt. I am trying to keep up on the reading, on class discussions, on research, well.. everything really. It's difficult. I have very little to add to discussions which is rough when its a 3 hour seminar and basically your entire grade depends on it. Its still the first couple weeks though so I'm telling myself I'm still adjusting and will pick up speed. Rather soon though I hope.

Although Pancho was visiting this weekend and I have to say it really reminded me of what life outside of the school bubble is like. We went to the history grad happy hour, out for dinner with CJ in Center City, did errands, watched football and the Gators win!, and hung out. It was so nice to just relax a bit. He won't be able to visit again for 25 days (of course I counted) but it is more often than we visited before so I guess I can deal with it. I realized though how much I already miss having another person to eat dinner with. I've gotten lazy by myself. Stouffer's french bread pizza and some strawberries on the side? Yep, thats what I tossed together tonight.

Finally bought all my books. Spent awhile tracking down the best prices online and in bookstores. Feeling quite accomplished now that I won't be chasing things down during the semester. The grand total was $677.13. And to think that I ever complained as an undergrad. Only bright side is that I had budgeted to spend more, so technically I didn't do too bad. I guess. Just a little shocking to have actually spent that much although its 30-odd books. Some interesting looking titles, too, so I will be sure to share once I get to them. in my frenetic, speed-reading pace that I'm still learning how to do effectively.

Today was actually kind of nice. Got to watch new start of season of How I Met Your Mother and enjoyed another Gossip Girl. Curious to see how them at college is going to turn out. And since I no longer have cable nor DVR, I'll be hitting Hulu to catch up on House and Greek. I'm really hoping that somehow I can keep up on my shows, but I recognize that I might finally have reached a point where my academic career really can't take an hour break to watch. Sad.

And. After an 8 month hiatus, I now subscribe again to Time. I was giddy when my first issue arrived. Its like catching up with an old friend. Except I don't have anyone to casually leave it for on the kitchen table anymore....

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm French Bread Pizzas = The best! Man, I can't survive without my Time. I try and read a little each day, but if I read it all at once, it's like I go through withdrawls until Friday when I get the next issue!
