Saturday, January 24, 2009

Moving In

So as soon as we pull up to Pancho's rowhouse, we notice the foot-wide layer of ice where we have to park. I cringe as my poor little car crunches and squeaks over it. Literally, as we walk up to the house I notice a FROZEN, DEAD RAT at the foot of the steps. nice. I try to avoid looking at it as we make multiple trips back and forth to the car. The next day, it was still there in the morning but was gone in the afternoon...
In the space of the last week, 6 mice have been caught in the kitchen. I finally saw one of them (never had on any of my previous visits to Baltimore). I slowly peek into the kitchen first before I do anything now.

We unpacked the car, it was truly amazing how much fit. Really didn't even leave anything that I wanted. They should have done a commercial. "Moving?" (pan to image of all my stuff piled up) "The Camry has amazing storage capabilities" (and then show in fast forward time us loading up the car). I've spent the last week unpacking and organizing. Its been interesting....

Snagged a bargain at Goodwill yesterday. $15 dark "wood" tv stand with 2 drawers that was originally from Target. For some reason the people who donated it felt the need to disassemble the whole thing, pack it back in the box with the directions. Took Pancho and Eduardo 2 hours to put it together. I directed. :)

I'm slowly prettying up the house. The bathroom now has a shower curtain, hand soap, and a framed picture of flowers. The dining room got the world map, and Pancho's room has the Seurat poster and my corkboard and picture boards. Along with a bookshelf, framed pictures, and some throw pillows. The boys literally have not stopped playing Playstation so I'm not sure how much has gotten noticed...

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