Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday in Manayunk

Got up early today and headed out to Manayunk (and my friend, Annie's) to see a bike race. I wasn't really too sure the details, so I found an article that explains it pretty well:
To some it's known as the Manayunk Bike Race, to others it's the day of the TD Bank Philadelphia International Cycling Championship, but to cyclists it's known as "The Wall." At 9 a.m. Sunday morning, more than 150 cyclists will start on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and pedal their way along the 156-mile course. The course consists of 10 laps of a 14.4-mile circuit traveling west on the Parkway along Kelly Drive to Manayunk, where the course is nicknamed "The Wall" because of its incredibly steep incline.
She lives pretty close to this Wall, and let me tell you, walking the block and half from the train station to her place requires some serious effort, it is basically vertical. So, got to see the cyclists go by twice then we lost track of the laps and retreated to the indoors. It was insaneeeeely hot today. Like a good girl, I put on sunblock and then preceded to sweat it right off. So gross. but I made Kahlua pudding, which was delish and a hit. I mean, you just can't go to a party and not bring something and I figured it kept in line with the drinking theme of the day.

Met lots of new people, played Kings (oyy) and have been back home now watching tv shows online and sobering. lol. Scratch those plans to go for a run and get some MA reading done. meh. Amazing to finally get to be outside and enjoying the sunny weather and its not even technically summer yet! Now that I'm cooped up inside all day at work, I really appreciate when I can be outdoors. Got to start thinking seriously about making plans to kayak or get to the shore or something.

1 comment:

  1. biking "the wall" sounds completely awful! sounds like fun to watch though :) and kahlua pudding?! mmmm...
