Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fact: I survived a blizzard.

So... about that last post, about "Snowmageddon." Ummm.. well, I spoke too soon. Because Tuesday night-- Wednesday we got hit with a blizzard. A real, honest-to-goodness blizzard. Did my little ol' Floridian heart think such a thing was going to happen in "Oh, Philadelphia doesn't get that much snow"? NO. But it was awesome. Mainly because I never left my toasty apartment, and I could look on in wonder from the inside. It sleeted, it snowed, it was super windy. And the white stuff just piled onto the snow from Saturday that still hadn't even begun to melt. yikes.

Today I couldn't take it anymore, already going stir crazy, so I just went on a walk to the ATM. lol. (I needed some sort of purpose). It was glorious outside. Cold, but I was bundled so it felt good, sunny, and with rain boots I feel invincible so I can stomp around to my heart's content. The roads were in various states of packed snow/sorta plowed/cleared and already muddy. I'm actually dreading what this is all going to look like when it starts melting. ughhh. But, its still nice and clean and white now. I posted photos on Facebook. Its difficult to explain the ridiculousness of how much snow there is. 3-4 foot piles between the sidewalk and street.

Pancho is coming in on the train tomorrow. So far there are no delays, keeping my fingers crossed. The plan was for me to do some grocery shopping and then pick him up on the way back, but I have serious doubts about the road conditions. sigh. Driving on snowy-ish roads is terrifying but maybe everywhere I need to go is all salted and plowed. Let's hope.

1 comment:

  1. At least they salt in Philly. In Korea, they don't salt anything, so it gets SUPER slick and people fall right and left, and cars just slide around on hills and shit. It's moderately terrifying. The day we had 12 inches of snow, pretty much all hell broke loose.
